Agloco Top Hours - November 2007

Agloco is NOT dead YET. ViewBar is acumulating hours , we are getting new members. transit increased for about 23% in September. Some a writinig, that Agloco team is "taking" out money from !

I hope this is truth because it can mean, that Agloco cashflow can become POSITIVE.

JohnChow 29.448 members , 14.073,6 hours
Nilo Bezerra 12.056 members , 6.118,5 hours , Brasil
JeremyHermans 11.887 members , 3493,9 hours
Petrovic 880 members , 563,4 hours , Serbia
Marcio Albuquerque 235 members , 404,4 hours , Brasil
Yanna 1.935 members , 397,0 hours , Canada
Adrew 694 members , 391,8 hours , Lithuania
Ismabera 701 members , 340,8 hours , Portugal
John Powell , 716 members , 311,4 hours , UK Wels
Vladimir Desanic , 348 members , 176,3 hourss , Croatia
H.Shivaputra , 184 members , 77,3 hours , India
Ali Kayani , 60 members , 47,0 hours , Pakistan
Andy , 77 members , 18,9 hours , Canada
Ronald Germain , 35 members , 28,9 hours , USA

For me and some Agloco fans Agloco will die, when will be down for ever. AGLOCO is not only Agloco Team , AGLOCO are WE , MEMBERS !

Agloco Fans are welcome to to awake Agloco team